Adding the Base Network and CoinMath

This guide will show you how to add both the Base network and the CoinMath (COIM) token using the correct contract address.

Add Base to MetaMask

  1. Visit Chainlist
  2. Search “Base”, and confirm network details (Chain ID: 8453)
  3. Click Add to MetaMask and approve the request to add network. 

Key Takeaways

  • Base is a Layer 2 rollup network built to scale the Ethereum network, built on the OP Stack. It is backed by the largest listed cryptocurrency exchange – Coinbase.
  • The Base mainnet launched on August 9, 2023, and has seen significant usage since this time. A notable contributor to Base’s popularity is the launch of, a decentralized social media application on the network.
  • In this guide, we take you through the process of downloading and installing a MetaMask wallet, integrating the Base network, and adding native tokens on the network to your MetaMask wallet.

Add Base to MetaMask

Add the Base Network Manually

  1. From your MetaMask wallet dashboard, click the network dropdown from the top left corner of your wallet. Click Add network.
Add Base network manually
  1. A list of pre-set networks is shown, however it doesn’t include Base; click on Add a network manually to add Base.
Add Base network manually
  1. On the form, enter the network details accordingly
  • Network name: Base
  • Network URL:
  • Chain ID: 8453 
  • Currency symbol: ETH 
  • Block explorer URL

Enter Base RPC details​​​​

  1. Click Save to complete.

Base is now available in your MetaMask wallet. You can switch to Base by clicking the network icon from the top left corner of your screen and selecting Base from available networks. You can also install other EVM networks through this procedure, although you’ll need to look for their network details to add them manually. 

Another way to install the Base network is via ChainList.

Add Base to MetaMask Through Chainlist

On Chainlist, you can add available EVM networks with a few clicks. Chainlist collates EVM network details and allows users to add new networks to their wallets without needing to go through the manual process of sourcing and entering network details. To add Base to MetaMask with Chainlist:

  1. Visit Chainlist
  2. Enter Base in the search bar at the top of the page. As seen in the above network details, 8453 is the Base network’s Chain ID. Click Connect Wallet on the search results with the correct Chain ID.
  3. Follow the prompts in your wallet to add the network to your wallet.
Add Base to MetaMask with Chainlist

After approving the permission to add Base, you have successfully added Base to MetaMask and you can now switch to the Base network.

Add Base to MetaMask With Blockchain Explorers

You can also add Base to MetaMask through blockchain explorers, like Blockscount’s Base Mainnet Explorer and BaseScan

  1. At the bottom of the page, click the Add Base to MetaMask button with a MetaMask icon. 
Add Base to MetaMask through Blockchain explorer
  1. This opens up a prompt in MetaMask to allow the explorer to add a network. Confirm that the details are correct, and approve the prompt. 
Approve prompt to add Base to MetaMask Blockchain explorer
  1. You’ve successfully added Base to MetaMask.

Part 2: Adding CoinMath (COIM) Token to Your Web3 Wallet

Step 1: Open Token Import Section

  • Go to the section where you can add custom tokens. This is typically found under the “Assets” tab in MetaMask or similar sections in other wallets.
  • Click Import Tokens or Add Custom Token.

Step 2: Input CoinMath Token Details

  • Use the following details to add the CoinMath token:
    • Token Contract Address: 0xd2237d9fe0c36721220e4bd88aa85b55ffda0e84
    • Token Symbol: COIM
  • After entering the details, click Add Custom Token.

Step 3: Confirm and View COIM Balance

  • Go back to your wallet’s home screen, and you should now see CoinMath (COIM) listed under your assets with any available balance.


By following this guide, you can easily:

  1. Add the Base Network to your Web3 wallet.
  2. Add and manage CoinMath (COIM) tokens using the correct contract address.

Feel free to contact the CoinMath team if you run into any issues while adding the token.

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